How long is twilight breaking dawn part 1
How long is twilight breaking dawn part 1

how long is twilight breaking dawn part 1

Maybe this was the only alternative for Bella and Edward, who understand that they can never really be together due to their conflicting worlds, and are quietly accepting it by a game of House usually played by children. Besides, I’m pretty sure Bella’s father would have figured out that they weren’t human by now, considering that he’s supposed to be sheriff, and he’d be far more discerning of who Bella goes out with, like any normal father would be. I knew that the Florida weather looked a bit TOO perfect, and that hard rain in Forks as Jacob ran away like a wimp couldn’t fool me. Yes… This makes sense! Maybe they never sent invitations, and instead, they just dressed up like little kids and built a church aisle out of wood and forest items a la Snow White, and they’re only PRETENDING that they’re getting married. As they kiss, the camera turns around them in a melodramatic way, showing that the seats are empty, almost like this whole ceremony had been made up. So as to do away with the stupid silence accompanied by loud music from the licensed soundtrack, Bella and Edward alternate their vows, and then they decide to kiss, seeing as how the preacher must have been paid for the first minute of the wedding.


Slower and slower, a full minute of movie passes as she and her father almost seemingly hesitate to end their walk, as they approach…

how long is twilight breaking dawn part 1

Silence takes over the screen, save for the main theme of the movie turned up 20 decibels louder than what is necessary in any movie theater around the world, but it was probably done to provide emphasis on the breathtaking ceremony that is about to begin. Each step is accented by the terrible agony of her life soon to be combined with an emo vampire. She gets ready, and she slowly walks with her father. Maybe the anecdote he shared about his bi-curious phase many decades ago could have provided the fuel for that particular nightmare. Either that, or the sudden appearance of Edward as she’s packing up the things in her room with an almost accusing “Getting cold feet?” might have put her on edge. Bella is getting ready for her wedding, but has a terrible dream the night before about a human wedding cake thanks to her dear soon-to-be-hubby Edward, and loses sleep because of it. Some are happy (Bella’s mom), some are skeptical (Bella’s dad), and some still act like children (Jacob, the shapeshifter ). So we start with everyone getting invites to the wedding of the millenium proposed from the last movie.

How long is twilight breaking dawn part 1